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Getting started

Learn how to install River packages for Go, run migrations to get River's database schema in place, and create an initial worker and client to start inserting and working jobs.

River Go package docs


River requires an existing PostgreSQL database, and is most commonly used with pgx. River is tested using the three most recent major versions of PostgreSQL.


To install River, run the following in the directory of a Go project (where a go.mod file is present):

Terminal window
go get
go get

Alternatively, the riverdatabasesql driver can be used instead of riverpgxv5 for compatibility with Go's built-in database/sql. See inserting jobs with Bun or GORM.

Running migrations

River persists jobs to a Postgres database, and needs a small set of tables created to insert jobs and carry out leader election. It's bundled with a command line tool which executes migrations, and which future-proofs River in case other migration steps need to be run in future versions.

From the same directory as above, install the River CLI:

Terminal window
go install

With the DATABASE_URL of a target database (looks like postgres://host:5432/db), migrate up:

Terminal window
river migrate-up --database-url "$DATABASE_URL"

See also migrations.

Job args and workers

Each kind of job in River requires two types: a JobArgs struct and a Worker[T JobArgs]. The JobArgs struct has two purposes:

  1. It defines the structured arguments for your worker. These arguments are serialized to JSON before the job is stored in the database.
  2. It defines a Kind() string method that will be used to uniquely identify the kind of job in the database.

Here is a simple Worker and JobArgs setup for a SortWorker which will sort and print a list of strings provided in its arguments:

type SortArgs struct {
// Strings is a slice of strings to sort.
Strings []string `json:"strings"`
func (SortArgs) Kind() string { return "sort" }
type SortWorker struct {
// An embedded WorkerDefaults sets up default methods to fulfill the rest of
// the Worker interface:
func (w *SortWorker) Work(ctx context.Context, job *river.Job[SortArgs]) error {
fmt.Printf("Sorted strings: %+v\n", job.Args.Strings)
return nil


River utilizes Go generics to simplify your Worker definitions. This means that your worker only needs to deal with fully structured and typed set of arguments. As in the example above, a Worker has a 1:1 relationship with the JobArgs type it handles.

Registering workers

Jobs are uniquely identified by their "kind" string. Workers are registered on start up so that River knows how to assign jobs to workers:

workers := river.NewWorkers()
// AddWorker panics if the worker is already registered or invalid:
river.AddWorker(workers, &SortWorker{})

AddWorker panics in case of invalid configuration. Given its succinct syntax and that bad configuration should prevent a worker process from booting, panicking is probably a reasonable compromise for most applications. However, for those who find it distastely, AddWorkerSafely is also provided:

workers := river.NewWorkers()
if err := river.AddWorkerSafely(workers, &SortWorker{}); err != nil {
panic("handle this error")

Starting a client

A River Client provides an interface for job insertion and manages job processing and maintenance services. A client is created with a database pool, driver, and config struct containing a Workers bundle and other settings. Here's a client Client working one queue ("default") with up to 100 worker goroutines at a time:

dbPool, err := pgxpool.New(ctx, os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL"))
if err != nil {
// handle error
riverClient, err := river.NewClient(riverpgxv5.New(dbPool), &river.Config{
Queues: map[string]river.QueueConfig{
river.QueueDefault: {MaxWorkers: 100},
Workers: workers,
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Run the client inline. All executed jobs will inherit from ctx:
if err := riverClient.Start(ctx); err != nil {
// handle error


The client should also be stopped on program shutdown:

// Stop fetching new work and wait for active jobs to finish.
if err := riverClient.Stop(ctx); err != nil {
// handle error

There are some complexities around ensuring clients stop cleanly, but also in a timely manner. Read Graceful shutdown for more details on River's stop modes.

Insert-Only clients

A common pattern is to have frontend processes which only insert jobs but do not work them, and a separate pool of workers which only work jobs. River supports this through the use of an insert-only Client.

An insert-only client is one that has not been started with Start(). For insert-only clients, the Queues and Workers fields from Config can be ommitted; however the Workers config allows the Client to validate that it is only inserting jobs whose worker is configured and may be worth keeping in place even on insert-only clients.

Inserting jobs

Client.InsertTx is used in conjunction with an instance of job args to insert a job to work on a transaction:

_, err = riverClient.InsertTx(ctx, tx, SortArgs{
Strings: []string{
"whale", "tiger", "bear",
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// handle error

See the InsertAndWork example for complete code.

Client.Insert that doesn't take a transaction is also available, although as described in Transactional enqueuing, inserting jobs in transactions is usually more appropriate to avoid bugs.

_, err = riverClient.Insert(ctx, SortArgs{
Strings: []string{
"whale", "tiger", "bear",
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// handle error

See also Batch job insertion.