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Getting started with River Pro

River Pro requires a few additional steps to get started beyond those of the main River package. This page describes configuring River Pro's private Go proxy, installing the Pro driver to source code, and how to run Pro migrations.

Quick start

With a River Pro secret obtained during the subscription process, add River Pro to an existing Go module:

Terminal window
export RIVER_PRO_SECRET=river_secret_...
export GOPROXY=,https://river:$,direct
# install riverpro modules:
go get
go get
# install riverpro CLI:
go install
# the main River package is also required:
go get

Assuming everything worked, Go will have updated the project's go.mod and go.sum files with new entries for River Pro. For more information on sustainably managing GOPROXY/GONOSUMDB environment variables in a Go project, or to use the riverpro modules in a CI environment, see Installing private Go modules.

Running Pro migrations

Most Pro features will require additional migrations. These are available through the alternate riverpro CLI containing all normal river CLI commands and functionality, but with additions specifically for use with Pro.

With the DATABASE_URL of a target database (looks like postgres://host:5432/db), migrate up:

Terminal window
# first, install the standard River migrations:
riverpro migrate-up --database-url "$DATABASE_URL"
# then add the pro migration line:
riverpro migrate-up --database-url "$DATABASE_URL" --line pro

The riverpro CLI must be used for Pro migrations

The main River project distributes its own river CLI to run migrations, but when running Pro migration lines, the riverpro CLI must be used instead. The non-Pro CLI doesn't know about them.

Initializing a client

A River Pro client is initialized similar to a normal River Client, except with the use of the riverpro.NewClient constructor and the riverpropgxv5 driver instead of riverpgxv5:

import (
riverClient, err := riverpro.NewClient(riverpropgxv5.New(dbPool), &riverpro.Config{
Config: river.Config{
Queues: map[string]river.QueueConfig{
river.QueueDefault: {MaxWorkers: 100},
Workers: workers,
if err != nil {
// handle error
if err := riverClient.Start(ctx); err != nil {
// handle error

Go package docs

River Pro's riverpro Go package has generated documentation hosted on this website. Docs are available for each released, along with the latest version always available at a fixed URL.